Cherry Docs by David Gow

Tue 16th Apr, 2013

"In an ideal world I'd see you eliminated. In this world I need you more than anyone."

Cherry Docs, which is getting its area premiere in Munich by the BeMe Theatre (Munich's English Language Theatre), is named after a pair of steel-tipped, cherry coloured Doc Martens combat boots. Gow's 1998 play, which was made into the 2006 film Steel Toes, has been performed around the world, not so much because it's a great piece of theatre but more as a result of its fiery call for tolerance.

It revolves around a neo-Nazi skinhead, Mike Downey who, in a drunken rage, repeatedly kicks a Southeast Asian in the head to death, and a Jewish lawyer, Danny Dunkelman who is assigned by Legal Aid to defend him. The victim dies three weeks later and from here it raises provocative and thought-provoking questions on morality and questions like "How could a lawyer stand to defend a guilty person." It is an unsettling examination of hatred and intolerance, the explosive effect they have on our society, and the walls that confront us as we try to eradicate them. 

Shedding light on the dangers of extremism and the destructive path from fear to hate, this is a play that is bound to spark necessary debate, raise questions and encourage those bearing witness to seek answers.

Eda Holmes, one of the busiest theatre directors in Canada and Associate Director of the Shaw Festival, has signed on to direct BeMe Theatre's production of Cherry Docs. The Cast, Jamie Maczko and Michael Rubenfeld have grown into the two difficult roles and demonstrated excellent and explosive performances as Mike and his court-appointed Jewish lawyer, Danny. A play definitely worth seeing!

Cast: Jamie Maczko, Michael Rubenfeld
Performances: 10.04.2013 - 27.04.2013 (Tuesday to Saturday) at 20:00
Matinees: 12., 18., 24.04.2013 at 11:00
(for tickets to the matinee please call 089-385 377 66)
Tickets: 20EUR regular / 13EUR students / 18EUR groups of 10 or more
The box office opens 1 hour before all evening performances, should you wish to purchase your tickets at the theatre. Please note only cash payments at the box office are accepted.