Car Bombs rock Turkish border town Reyhanli

Mon 13th May, 2013

In what some are describing as one of the worst terrorist attacks in recent history, 2 car bombs devastated Turkish border town Reyhanli, killing at least 43 people and injuring at least 100 further civilians. Some local sources have put the number even higher, even as far as 200 dead, while conspiracy theories are abound, due to no one having claimed responsibility for the attacks. As it lies on the Syrian border and has been open to Syrian refugees as well as rebel forces to enter and exit the country, primary suspicions have been aimed at the Syrian government. Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc stated in an interview that they suspect the Mukhabarat (Syrian Intelligence Agency) as being involved in planning and carrying out the attack.
Following the attack, tensions between the locals and foreigners residing are at an all-time high point with reports of angry civilians attacking cars with Syrian license plates and possibly even the refugees themselves.
Whether the attack came from the Syrian government as a message for the Turkish government to stop supporting the Syrian rebels or a third party interested in further embroiling what is slowly becoming a conflict between Syria, its people and turkey is yet to be determined. While the method of attack suggests a small terroristic style operation, the motive remains a mystery, barring anything but speculation.

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