Another bomb scare in Schwabing
In Munich, fears that yet another undetonated World War Two bomb had been uncovered were proven to be unfounded. The alarm was raised when two metallic objects were found in the vicinity of a motorway running through Munich. Unsurprisingly, given the recent flurry of unexploded World War Two bomb discoveries, the appropriate authorities were alterted and immediately responded to the situation.
Fortunately, the two suspicious metal objects were not live bombs from the Second World War, as was feared and the northern borough of Schwabing was eventually given the all clear.
According to a spokesperson for the Schwabing, Munich, on Sunday, the two suspected unexploded bombs were identified as a harmless tailplane fin and other metal artillery parts after an officially sanctioned investigation had taken place, and that they posed no threat to public safety. The two unidentified metal objects were uncovered by workers during exploratory work for the expansion of an existing motorway. The area where the bombs were found was very close to the A6 motorway and therefore led to concerns for public safety. Consequently, a descision was taken to cordon off the section of motorway between Nuremberg and Heilbronn, in case a controlled explosion had been deemed necessary.