Terror Attack Training Planned for Hauptbahnhof

Fri 20th Apr, 2018

Munich police will engage in a terrorist response training exercise during the night from Tuesday, 17 April 2018 to Wednesday, 18 April 2018, from 12am to 4pm.  The German Federal Police force will be joining the Munich police for this exercise which will be held at Hauptbahnhof.

Parts of the station will be closed off, including platforms 26-36, as well as the outside area north of the Central Station.

Blank ammunition will be fired and may cause some noise disturbances to nearby residents, although there is no danger to members of the public.

During this time, operational vehicles of the fire department and emergency medical services will also take part and will emulate an actual emergency response, complete with blue lights and sirens turned on.

Hauptbahnhof cannot be entered via the main entrance. Inside and around the Central Station, if you want to find the Munich Police, the Federal Police and/or DB Security (security staff of Deutsche Bahn), then you may approach those on standy by the perimeter of the staged exercise.

Please pay attention to loudspeaker announcements and information displayed inside the train station. For more information, follow @PolizeiMuenchen on Twitter after 10 p.m. on April 17, 2018. You can reach the citizen's helpline at 089 / 2910-1910.

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