Taxi price increase
Munich. The Munich Taxi Association wants to increase the prices by twelve percent for a taxi ride in town. They justify the rise with the high fuel prices and costs for repairs.
Munich citizens should count on higher costs for taxi driving: the District Administration Office (KVR) will work out the order of the proposal for a recast of the taxi fare, but not before the autumn.
If this will be authorized by the City Council then for the first time in four years, taxi prices will increase. The taxi industry itself as well as the KVR want to increase the prices by the Oktoberfest. The prices requested by the Taxi Association are: basic price 3.10'‚¬ (old: 2,70'‚¬), per km 1,80'‚¬ (1,60'‚¬), waiting time per hour 24'‚¬ (22,60'‚¬).
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