Smoker Balcony at the Wiesn
Munich. This is what the smoker balcony of the "Hippodrom" looks like. As reported, the Wiesn tent of Sepp Kraetz is this years only tent which has a smoking area.
The balcony is on the back side of the tent in the direction of Theresienhöhe. Kraetz applied for the 75 square metre smoking area before the decision of the referendum. Due to certain reasons the part had to be completely rebuilt. According to the city, the Hippodrom has not grown in size due to the new area. The area at the back of the tent was already there before with tables - the "Wawi-box", which was popular for celebrities to keep themself away from the busy Wiesn activities. Paris Hilton was using the rear section of the tent four years ago when she was on her advertising tour for Prosecco champagne. In the future it won't be that secretive, because of the roofed balcony above the box, which serves as the smoking area.
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