Mayor Strobl insults Berlin

Mon 24th Oct, 2011

Berlin. The joy surrounding the new polar bear enclosure at the Tierpark Hellabrunn on wednesday was marred when one comment from mayor Christine Strobl caused friction and annoyed Berliners.

Munich's second mayor Christine Strobl said: "I have to admit, I would be happy if I would have been transferred from Berlin to Munich.", she said when describing the polar bear Gianna, who now lives in Hellabrunn.

As a reminder: Gianna was relocated to Berlin for almost a year while the construction work in Munich took place. During that time the people in Berlin opened their hearts to the polar bear.

The Strobl comment caused alot of head shaking in Berlin. "Excuse me, but the woman is one sandwich short of a picnic ...", writes a tabloid journalist about the mayor and proceeded to list several statistics: Munich has the most expensive rent in Germany. Furthermore in Munich - and all of Bavaria - the strictest smoking ban is in full force.

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