Faeser announces easier influx of workers in the hospitality industry
According to the special regulation for airport staff, the federal government is also planning a simplified immigration of workers from abroad for the hospitality industry."The labor shortage has become much worse as a result of the pandemic," said Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser in an interview with the German Press Agency.
In aviation, he said, there is a massive shortage of labor and skilled workers, as well as in the restaurant and hotel industry. "That we have to create facilitations for foreign forces there, know Federal Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil and I." Together with Heil (SPD), she said, she would therefore propose changes this year "to bring good workers to Germany."
Criticism of the plans came from the CDU/CSU. "The federal government is making it too easy for itself if it relies unilaterally on immigration from non-EU countries to solve the shortage of labor and skilled workers," said parliamentary group vice chair Andrea Lindholz (CSU). What is needed instead is a comprehensive concept that also "includes better use of the potential at home and in other EU countries.
The rules on the immigration of skilled workers are already liberal. Immigration of workers without special qualifications is possible from the Western Balkan states. Germany must do more to promote the use of these existing opportunities abroad.
Due to momentous bottlenecks at German airports, the German government had promised quick regulations on Wednesday, so that operators can temporarily hire staff more easily. The workers, who are lacking in baggage handling, among other areas, are to be recruited primarily in Turkey.
To make Germany more attractive to skilled workers, "several homework tasks need to be done," Faeser added. "We need faster recognition of professional qualifications and less bureaucracy," the SPD politician said. Together with Heil and Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP), she is working intensively on this.
In addition, it must be clear that this is not about wage dumping, but "about good jobs that are covered by collective agreements and from which people can live. Here, the government is on the side of the unions. Faeser emphasized that on the way to a modern immigration law, she is "paying very close attention to balanced solutions and acceptance among the population.
Photo by Kate Townsend