Additional support for German healthcare

Tue 24th Mar, 2020

In order to cope with the corona crisis and to protect Germany from possible consequences, the government has agreed on a huge rescue package. According to the Minister of Finance, the healthcare system will receive 55 billion euros to respond flexibly and quickly to the pandemic. Among other things, the number of intensive care beds is to be doubled.

After an official press conference, German Minister of Health Jens Spahn explained which further measures of support are planned for the German health system:

Remuneration for empty beds in hospitals

The government is installing a financial rescue fund for hospitals worth about ten billion euros. Amongst other things, hospitals can therefore receive a remuneration of 560 euros for every empty bed they keep free for corona patients. The purchase of protective equipment will also be supported fiancially.


Nurses receive an additional 185 euros

According to Spahn, everyone who treats Covid 19 patients will be paid accordingly. Nurses receive an additional lump sum of 185 euros per day for their work. Corona outpatient clinics should also receive better support. They contribute to the fact that possibly-infected people can avoid medical practices, said Spahn.


Changes in the Infection Protection Act

In addition, the health minister announced that the Infection Protection Act will be changed with the intention of making it easier to pool skills. This could, for example, determine regulations for travel or measures to ensure medication. The construction of hospitals or facilities should also be made easier and the necessary procedures accelerated.

There is also a new paragraph within the law. According to Spahn, this stipulates that those in the healthcare system who lose income or make other losses due to the corona crisis will receive additional support. In particuar the help and efforts of medical students that are used to deal with the crisis have to be rewarded, said Spahn

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